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Monday, June 10, 2013

Production Elements

In the picture, the tree stands straight with a solid grip on the ground.  The girth of the tree is noticeable and the two branches, one on each side with green leaves, suggest that the tree is living. More importantly, the green leaves on each of the branches represent the nature and liveliness which is appealing to the audience.  The relative position of the tree, being in the center of the picture and its dark background makes it a focal point.  There are no distractions to the audience’s view from any objects in the background.  Among the two branches, the right branch resembles the arm of a mother holding a baby.  In the western culture, it is a tendency to place objects of more importance on the right side of a picture where they can attract more attention.  In this picture, the baby is an important part of the picture; and therefore, is placed on the right side of the picture in the branch.  Light is shining on the right side of the tree which also brings more attention to the branch on that side and the naked baby nestled in the branch.  The portrayal of the baby soundly sleeping generates a positive, warm and emotional reaction from the audience.  Overall, the picture depicts a deep relationship between humans and nature.  The caption at the bottom of the picture summarizes this idea more accurately that “Our destinies are linked.”

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that lighting was played well to highlight the baby and the tree. Usually dim lighting evokes the feeling of mystery, coldness, detachment. However in this artwork, dim lighting plus the green color from the tree somewhat creates a warmer feeling, which makes me think "baby is in good hands (of Mother Nature)"
