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Monday, June 28, 2010


It's amazing how media literacy opens your eyes to a world undeveloped by hidden messages. As a read the chapter I couldn't help but to reflect back to a time when an advertisement was just that in my mind, after learning about latent messages in media and subliminal messages one would be cautious to analyze all forms of media that comes across one's lap.

Advertisements have been used over time to shape and form America's most perfect society; what to wear, how to look, what to drive, right along with what to eat, drink and even sleep on. Of course if the categories given do not apply to apply to you, you are either an outcast or not good enough and your credentials are insufficient. Advertisements play on one's emotion and makes the audience feel that they should be right there with the actors/ characters of this well scripted event; you thirst and lust to be desired as the description of the product suggests. Not only do advertisements mislead and misinform its public, but it also covers up what the bare eye would despies as fault. Advertisements use many techniques to perfect their approach in gaining the hearts of their fellow man or woman; special effects, props, sounds and music, and even the covering of human flaws are used to enhance the deliverance of the special product. Just to name a few familiar ads: Nike (Just do it) whatever it may be; Lays (Can't eat just one) I mean why would someone eat just one and they've purchased a whole bag of chips; and I love the Charmin commercial where the bear absorbs water from the lake with just one square of tissue and why not when they're so absorbent.

The text also appealed to my senses when I read and observed the ads in the text about how women and men are positioned differently in ads to show the masculinity of the man and reduce the woman to a dependent to the male species (look at her she's so helpless without him, what would life be like without the strength of men to carry women burdens). I also reflected back on the showing of Buffy the Vampire when the paramedic was talking to her about her mother's death and how large he appeared to be over her as if in a stance of authority.


  1. I think it is also interesting where advertisers chose to place their ads. My daughter is constantly telling me how I need to buy a purse with multiple pockets, a cake pan that makes giant cupcakes, a bowflex so I can get fit.. etc... How does she know about these items? She sees them on all the kid channels she watches. She even writes the 1-800 numbers down for me. They are targeting me through my children.

  2. I too found the ways in which advertising shapes our identity interesting. The text calls this a quest for identity and details an ad for a car, which basically states that you are a follower unless you drive a Mercury Cougar.

    I have to admit that I have looked to popular culture and specifically advertising to shape my identity. Living in a small town with very limited shopping (and thus little emphasis on style)my adjustment to college was a shock. I looked to magazines and television advertisements to guide who or what I was supposed to be to fit into my new environment.
