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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Chapter Five: Revenge of the Giant Face

This is a link to the scene from Inglourious Basterds that I chose to analyze. The production elements in this scene are very bold, from the color, music, lighting. It's almost like the song was written for this movie.

Click Link: Chapter Five


  1. I thought this was a great movie, and I agree that this clip is an excellent example. I never realized the correlation between bright bold colors and drama in media such as with the Buffy example last week and the red dress in this clip. The music is very impactful and asserts a sense of angst and revenge to compliment the scene.

  2. This is a great example of production elements, I saw this movie and theater and then again when it came out on DVD and this clip really shows what this character is going through throughout the movie. The bright red really symbolizes her power at this point in the movie, if you look at other scenes in the movie she is usually dressed down and in dull muted colors but at this moment she is completely in charge. I also liked the play of red between her dress, the lipstick and the red of the nazi flag, which ultimately she is trying to destroy.
