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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The negative reinforcement of cultural myths - regarding who's the father.

I think that in the case of the Maury P. Show's portrayal in his show of helping several couples who may have children together, but are not sure because they have slept around, is a show that over time reinforces the cultural myths (such as it's alright to sleep around and make babies without being married) has become a mythic reality because people really think that is ok to do this, and it is becoming more and more common in various age groups. As the ratings for this show increases, even people who may not agree with this type of lifestyle, are taking time out of their day to watch this trash. How low are our morales.

1 comment:

  1. When i was in college, Jerry Springer came to my school and spoke. ( He was running for Governor of Ohio) thats another story. However, the first thing out of his mouth when he took the stage was his justification for why he facilitates a show such as his. He said "If you saw my paycheck, you would do it too." No matter how low-brow reality television can be, there will always be people out there who will soak it up. Whether they consider the message acceptable or not, people watch for sport, and this is what fuels the rating.
